Bladder Scanner FAQ - Ordered

Yes. However, remember the bladder scanner picks up all fluid so it will also read the volume of saline within the balloon. Deduct this from your reading.
This is not common but can sometimes happen. If it says there is fluid within the abdomen, trust your scanner. Example: the bladder scanner says PVR 400ml, you decide to catheterise, then only mange to drain off 100ml. Scan again after catheterising, you should have approx. 300ml remaining, however you now know that this fluid is not in the bladder. It could be identifying, for example, cyst/bladder diverticulum/ascites/fluid mass. This warrants further investigations to determine what this accumulation of fluid is.
Typically:                        Small pink cross indicates small bladder Large pink cross indicates larger bladder Often, when you see a small pink cross, indicating very small volumes, you do not get a good view of the bladder and sometimes the pink cross disappears (small bladders will sit behind bowels/organs so you cannot always get a good clear image). In this instance, aim the probe (rays) towards the patient’s feet, and press ‘scan’. If it can see anything, it will give a reading, even if you cannot see the bladder clearly yourself. Bladder volumes of <50ml are not always easy to see or find. If after several attempts you are getting 0ml readings, and you are aiming it in the general direction of the bladder, you can be satisfied that there is very little fluid remaining in the bladder. Have the patient drink, and re-scan in >10minutes. Typically, the adult kidneys will produce approximately 1-2ml/minute (dehydrated patient) or more.
BladderPoint™ with its auto correction tool will ensure that even if your bladder is not centred within the crosshairs, it will still be an accurate scan as long as the whole bladder is captured within the crosshairs, it will be measured. Example:
It will take 4-6 hours to charge the battery to its optimum level, depending on the model. In the unlikely event that the battery is flat, it should be charged for approximately 10 minutes before the scanner is operational again. It is recommended that the scanner is placed on charge before the charge level indicator reaches one bar.
No. The frequency settings on the BioCon scanner does not allow you to see any anatomical detail, including seeing the catheter balloon. This is to ensure simplicity of use for all. The pre-set frequency means that the BioCon scanner can only read fluid. That includes the saline within the balloon (10-20ml, depending upon catheter used).
No. The gel & probe need to have contact with the skin. Ensure no clothing or dressings obscure skin contact.
No. Although the BioCon bladder scanners provide you with a live image of the bladder, the settings do not allow you to see any fine detail such as seeing the pelvic floor move. NICE Guidelines: 1.3.19      Imaging. Do not use imaging (MRI, CT, X-ray) for the routine assessment of women with urinary incontinence. Do not use ultrasound other than for the assessment of residual urine volume. [2006] 1.6      Assessing pelvic organ prolapse. Do not routinely perform imaging to document the presence of vaginal prolapse if a prolapse is detected by physical examination. [2019]
You may simply want to check that patients are not in retention, however you can use the bladder scanner for many other reasons, for example: • Reducing unnecessary catheterisations • Confirm catheter blockage • Checking post void residuals • Reducing the risk of urinary retention • Part of a continence assessment • Trial Without Catheter (TWOC) • Monitoring hourly output/kidney function • Suspected voiding dysfunction • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)
No. Once you have located the bladder, the unit automatically calculates the bladder volume. Do not keep moving the probe between scans if you have found a good image of the bladder. Just alter the pressure and contact a little, as you may get a better image, or alter the angle slightly. Positioning the probe midline, approximately 3-5cm above the pubic bone normally finds the bladder easily. 2-3 scans per patient is recommended, to ensure you pick up the largest possible volume. Monitor ‘current’ versus ‘max’ volume between scans.