Bladder Scanner FAQ - Ordered

The female setting allows the scanner to compensate for the presence of the uterus. (A very small amount of fluid is held within the uterus - approx. +/- 10ml but varies depending upon condition/medication/number of childbirths etc):

BioCon-700 & BioCon-900        Set to male for any adult patient with no uterus.

Set to female for any patient with a uterus. BioCon900S & 1100                  Has the facility to identify patient who has had a hysterectomy (no uterus).
All bladder scanners use an algorithm to derive bladder volume (results below are tested on a phantom bladder).
BioCon-700 0-999ml +/- 15% or 15ml (0-999ml) whichever is the greatest.
BioCon-900 0-999ml +/- 15% or 15ml
BioCon-900S 0-99ml ±10ml,
100-999ml ±10%
BioCon-1100 0-99ml ±7.5ml,
100-999ml ±7.5%
Please note: K Claxton, Cheltenham, found the BioCon-700 to be accurate to 3% compared with a cone beam CT scan, on real patients across all clinical users. Contact de Smit Medical for a summary.
Yes, as long as ultrasound gel is applied on the probe prior to placing the sheath and then again on the outside of the sheath.